Draw Object

ftornay at ugr.es ftornay at ugr.es
Tue Apr 15 10:25:07 UTC 2003

Mensaje citado por Stephen Johnston <s.johnston at bangor.ac.uk>:

> Hi
> I've been using an inline script to try and get my TMS experiment 
> running with e-prime. If I just run the stimulus object (StimObject.Run) 
> I can't trigger the TMS pulse until that has finished, if I use the draw 
> function (StimObject.Draw) then I can display the image and trigger the 
> tms, but can't collect the RT data and clear the screen after a 
> response. Does anyone know how to define a keyboard device, input masks 
> and so on, that way I can collect the data myself, this should allow me 
> to use my StimObject.Draw that already works save the collecting data bit!

You may try of the following methods:

a) RECOMMENDED if it works. Set the duration property of your StimObjecto to 0 
and the response time limit to some appropriate time (infinite would be 
better). Then use the run method, do whatever you want (trigger the pulse, ...) 
and write a code similar to the following in order to wait for the response.
do while StimObject.RT <> 0

After that, you can proceed.

b) If the previous method doesn't do the trick then use a wait object with 0 ms 
duration and appropriate response settings (including time limit). You would 
present this object before the inline. Then you would use the draw method for 
your StimObject and get the response from the wait object. Use a similar loop 
as in the previous method to wait for the response:
do while WaitObject.RT <> 0

Hope this helps

Francisco Tornay
Departamento de Psicología Experimental y Fisiología del Comportamiento
University of Granada

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