n-back task

Susan Campbell susanc at andrew.cmu.edu
Wed Jan 29 20:06:37 UTC 2003

I'm going to suggest taking a look at the n-back tests available on the
STEP website (step.psy.cmu.edu).  One is a very simple 1-back task, and
the other is more complex and involves 0,1,2, and 3-back tasks.

The specific URL for the n-back scripts is:

Hope this helps,
Susan Campbell
STEP Project
Carnegie Mellon

On Tue, 28 Jan 2003, NANCY CRAIG wrote:
> Does anyone have any advice/suggestions about the best approach to designing
> this complex paradigm or any specific literature to review before we begin
> (we will be employing 0-, 1-, & 2- back for letters and shapes)?

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