pixel positions

Steven Lacey slacey at umich.edu
Thu Jun 12 13:48:56 UTC 2003


The coordinates apply not specifically to the letter itself, but the textbox
housing the letter. 


-----Original Message-----
From: eprime at mail.talkbank.org [mailto:eprime at mail.talkbank.org] On Behalf
Of Mark G Orr
Sent: Wednesday, June 11, 2003 9:55 PM
To: eprime list
Subject: Re: pixel positions

Ok, i think i found my answer (I posted this question).  I presented two
"H"'s in sequence, both of
the same font size.  The monitor pixel dimensions were set to 640X480.
The first "H" was centered, using a standard text display.  The second H
was presented via the following in-line object:

Dim letter as Canvas
Set Letter = Display.Canvas

letter.Fontsize = 12
letter.Text 320, 240, "H"


THE RESULT was that the top left corner of the second "H" was positioned
at the center of the first "H".  I conclude that when using pixel
coordinates in this way, the top left corner of the letter is referenced.

If this is wrong, or if anything else useful should be added, please let
me and the list know.


On Wed, 11 Jun 2003, Mark G Orr wrote:

> Hello. Does anyone know off-hand whether the positions of single letters
> when specified in x-y pixel coordinates is referenceing the center of the
> letter or one of the corners Or some other part of the letter.  Thanks.
> -Mark Orr

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