multiple response points

Jordan Bigio j-bigio at
Fri Feb 20 23:05:55 UTC 2004

This is correct. There is also another way. You can enable reponse on the
stim and the mask (this is good if the mask is the last object in the proc
before the next trial starts). Enable it in the stim: allowable response,
correct answer, end action: none, response time: infinite. Also, log what
you want to collect of the responses. Then you enable the same responses
during the mask object with these parameters: allowable response, correct
answer: not needed (is in the stim), end action: none, response time: same
as duration. Here is the key: ONLY log time audit data in the mask. That
way, all RT's, acc's, responses, etc. (whatever you're logging) are logged
from the start of the stim. I do it that way, but my experiment would work
exactly the same if I did it the way that Ben says as well. It's just
whatever's easiest for you to visualize.


At 03:09 PM 2/20/2004 -0500, Ben Robinson wrote:
>assuming i've understood your question correctly...
>first off, disable responding to the mask.
>then make the response window for the stimulus display longer than the
>duration of the stimulus display -- long enough to cover the stimulus
>display duration + inter stimulus interval + mask duration + any time
>after that...
>you can change the stimulus display's response window by going to
>properties: duration/input: response options: time limit.
>this way, all responses that occur from the onset of your stimulus display
>through the presentation of the mask will be recorded as responses to the
>stimulus display.
>i hope that helps.
>ben robinson
> >>> "Gary Klatsky" <klatsky at> 02/20/04 01:49PM >>>
>I know this has been addressed but I can't seem to find a response in the
>How do you go about allowing a response to occur during the stimulus display
>or during the presentation of a mask. In my experiment subjects may respond
>at either time.
>Thanks in advance
>Gary J. Klatsky, Ph. D.
>Director, Human Computer Interaction M.A. Program
>Department of Psychology                klatsky at
>Oswego State University (SUNY)
>7060 State Hwy 104W                      Voice: (315) 312-3474
>Oswego, NY 13126                           Fax:   (315) 312-6330

Jordan D. Bigio, B.A.
Project Coordinator
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory
Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Northwestern University
2240 N. Campus Dr., Frances Searle Building, Rm. 2-342
Evanston, IL 60208
Phone: 847-491-3647

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