Reading in stimuli from a file and using Labels

Leisha Wharfield leisha at
Wed Jul 7 15:57:05 UTC 2004

Thank you, Amy. I knew my method wasn't the most efficient. My problem
is trusting E-Prime to faithfully counterbalance the sample on subject

Amy Eschman wrote:

>You can accomplish this with labels, but the List object is already set
>up to permit counterbalancing by subject (On the Selection tab in the
>List object properties pages).  Counterbalance selects one sample from
>the options based on the Order By value.
>1.  Create each version of your word lists as a separate List object in
>Unreference E-Objects.  Each word list should contain the same "Word"
>attribute to hold the individual words.
>2.  Create a List in Unreferenced E-Objects for each version of the
>experiment (i.e., each list of words).
>3.  Create a block level List that is set to counterbalance by subject
>4.  On the block level List, create an attribute (e.g., ListName) to
>hold the names of the List objects in Unreferenced (your word lists).
>5.  On the TrialList, pass the name of the attribute holding the names
>of the Lists in unreferenced (i.e., ListName) in for the Nested column
>6.  Set the block level List to counterbalance by Subject number.
>This will result in a single row being selected from the BlockList based
>on the subject number, will assign the name of a specific wordlist to
>ListName, and that List will be used to supply the words to the trials.
>I hope this helps you get started.  If you run into trouble, I would
>suggest submitting a request to web support.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Harvey Shulman [mailto:shulman.1 at]
>Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 1:51 PM
>To: eprime at
>Subject: Re: Reading in stimuli from a file and using Labels
>Thanks Leisha (and everyone else who replied).  In order to put in a
>label do I just create an Inline that contains the label and place it
>just before the procedure or list I want to execute ?
>Harvey Shulman
>Leisha Wharfield wrote:
>>I use different procedures. In-line text at the beginning of the
>>experiment determines which procedure will run based on subject
>>continuing to procedure 1 or jumping to a label marking other
>>procedures. Each block list jumps to the end of the experiment or that
>>stage of the experiment on termination.
>>Harvey Shulman wrote:
>>>I have an experiment that involves presenting single words on the
>>>screen.  They are presently entered in one of the columns in a table
>>>structure and everything works fine.  But I have had to construct 4
>>>versions of the program to accomodate the use of 4 different lists of
>>>words.   I would prefer to use one version of the program and read
>>>whichever  word list I need (keyed on the subject number) into the
>>>table data structure so that Eprime could apply properties such as
>>>randomization to them.    I can't see how to do that in Eprime.   Can
>>>it be done ?
>>>Harvey Shulman
>>>Ohiuo State University
>>>Department of Psychology
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