moving an object around a simple maze

Andrews, A.S. asa8 at
Wed Jun 2 19:06:51 UTC 2004

I have a paradigm where a picture of a mouse appears in one of four rooms and a subject has to guide the mouse to one of the other rooms. I have done this before simply using key presses to indicate the destinations (e.g. A, B, C or D) but now we wish to 'navigate' the mouse from room to room using the mouse.
What would be the best strategy for implementing this? The maze is very simple, essentially consisting of 4 quadrants with a gap in the dividing walls at the centre of the screen. Is there any sort of collision detection available in E-Prime, or would it be a case of comparing the mouse coordinates with the known position of the room dividers? Any suggestions for a strategy for moving the mouse around the maze will be gratefully received.
Best Regards
Tony Andrews
Senior Computer Officer
School of Psychology
University of Leicester
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH
Tel: 0116 223 1709

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