Parallel port as input port
Brandon Cernicky
brandon_cernicky at
Thu Jun 17 14:53:07 UTC 2004
By default, E-Prime works best when the parallel port
is in "standard" mode. This permits for eight output
pins on D0-D7 and is typically at address hex 378.
Then, you can read from the parallel port's status
register from bits S3-S6 and inverted S7 bits.
If you require to be able to read more bits or do not
want to deal with the inverted bits the standard port
provides, you can have E-Prime work with a little
script to program the parallel port to work in
Bi-Directional mode. By doing so, the Data bits D0-D7
would act as inputs. This would work best if you only
needed to read or write in an experiment. If you need
to consistently read and write in an experiment, then
sticking with the standard mode would probably be the
best because it would require little scripting. If
you only need to occasionlly bounce between reading
and writing, then you can go with the bi-directional
I would encourage you to contact PST tech support and
request the example scripting they have available.
The experiment they have has all of the script behind
the scenes and you only have to call
"ConfigurePortForOutput" or "ConfigurePortForInput" in
and Inline.
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