stim object names

Brandon Cernicky brandon_cernicky at
Mon Mar 1 16:22:13 UTC 2004


As Stephen Benning indicated, the Slide object was
intended to do exactly what you had indicated.  I
would encourage that you setup one Slide object
typically named Stimulus and then have a separate
State object (tab).  The ActiveState property accepts
[attrib] attribute references, so you can have a
"condition" attribute in your list that determines
what state to "show" w/o the need of scripting unless
you have an advanced reason to do so.

You could also optionally have separate objects and
then log the common items like Andrew, A.S. suggested,
but requires more scripting and maintenance.


Brandon S. Cernicky
Senior Software Engineer
Psychology Software Tools

NOTE: Views expressed are not necessarily that of
Psychology Software Tools.

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