Edat to txt conversion?

Doug Fuller dfuller at wayne.edu
Thu Jun 23 20:32:04 UTC 2005

>Hi there,
>I just recieved a large data set (288 files) from a
>researcher who uses Eprime. I don't have eprime so of course
>I cannot read the edat format files.  Is there a tool
>somewhere that allows for batch conversion of edat files to
>simple txt files?

I'm still quite the amateur with E-Prime, but our experiments
export a flat .TXT file in addition to the .EDAT file.  I
don't know if this is a setting that is standard, but if it
is, perhaps your colleague could send those instead?

Doug Fuller
dfuller at wayne.edu
Research Assistant, Wayne State University
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurosciences

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