E-Prime 2.0 Data Features

Ben Robinson BRobinso at mprc.umaryland.edu
Wed Jun 29 13:52:26 UTC 2005

it seems like the formatting of the text file data file could be improved dramatically in future versions of eprime.
if for any reason a program quits before having a chance to make a .edat file, it would be nice to have a more useable trial-by-trial recording of what went on.  something that, in a pinch, could be opened in excel and understood.
ben robinson
research asst.

>>> Brandon Cernicky <brandon_cernicky at yahoo.com> 6/28/2005 10:06 PM >>>

The last couple weeks had a number of threads in
relation to data handling in E-Prime.  The recent
E-Prime 2.0 Feature Survey placed its emphasis on many
of the design and implementation features and did not
focus on any data handling improvements for E-Merge
and E-DataAid.

Please feel free to discuss any items you would like
to see for E-Prime 2.0 in regards to E-Merge and

Improvements to export in general?
Improvements to export to Excel?
Improvements to export to SPSS?
Improvements to export to XML?

PST is certainly not going to try to reinvent the
stats wheel and understand there are many stats
packages available and exporting to them is intended. 
Are there any areas where E-Merge or E-DataAid could
be improved to make it so that bouncing in-between
packages would be reduced?


Brandon S. Cernicky
Senior Software Engineer
Psychology Software Tools

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