Slide Objects & Touchscreen

Paul Gr pauls_postbus at
Fri Mar 11 16:48:39 UTC 2005

I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly, but the I think your
script should at least contain a so called hit-test to identify which slide
object was selected. Since all touch monitors I know use mouse simulation,
you should enable mouse support in the experiment settings and use the
SlideState.HitTest method to track which image was selected. The E-Basic
help documentation provides an example inline script for this.

As an alternative, you can also perform the 'hittest' yourself by comparing
the mouse position by using some custom script. A full blown mouse (or
touch) enabled example script is available from
The menu on the left contains a link to the famous 'Tower of Hannoy', which
is mouse-driven

Mouse responses are collected the same way as other input devices, so it
should be no problem to collect several type of responses (incl. mouse) at
the same time. However, in some cases it is not always trivial to identify
the source of a response (i.e. response '1' might come from both a keyboard
or mouse)

Paul Groot
Vrije Universiteit

(The message to which this is a response was removed at the poster's request.)

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