Weird file problem

Eddie Dubourg eddie at
Thu Mar 31 10:45:02 UTC 2005

I hope I've sent this to the correct list this time and don't send an extra
piece of junk to the Psyscope list.....

I've come across a problem for which I know the reason, I can work out a
work-around, but I can't think of a solution.

Most of our experiments involve playing sound files - normally lots of them.
To keep some order in the experiment directory tree, the files are normally
assigned to subfolders.  Unfortunately, if there is a file in a subfolder
which begins with a "t" a nasty problem arises in that E-prime interprets
e.g. folder1\tfoo.wav as folder1	foo.wav - i.e. it sees the \t as a
tab indicator, and so the experiment fails with the error:-

Cannot load sound file "folder1             foo.wav"
Filename is invalid

I can rename the files, or I can work from within one folder only, but
neither of these workarounds are really satisfactory.

Is there any way to prevent e-prime interpreting the \t as a tab

Eddie Dubourg
Computer Support
School of Psychology, Philosophy and Language Science University of

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