thanks to Paul Groot

Brian MacWhinney macw at
Thu Nov 10 23:24:06 UTC 2005

Dear E-Prime List,
    Paul Groot of the Free University of Amsterdam has contributed  
two useful scripts to the collection at 
The first is a mouse-drive version of the classic Tower of Hanoi  
problem.  It is called TOHx.  The second is a visual staircase  
procedure called
the Inspection Time test.  In this test two vertical  lines of  
different length are draw very briefly. The shorter line  is masked  
after a variable delay by making both lines equal in  length.   
Participants are instructed to choose the longest. The  masking delay  
is increased or decreased in steps of 50 milliseconds  by applying a  
staircase procedure.
    Many thanks to Paul for contributing these scripts.
    Again, we are continually interested in adding additional  
interesting scripts to the collection.

--Brian MacWhinney, CMU

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