Changing slide states based on response

Leisha Wharfield leisha at
Fri Sep 16 23:58:39 UTC 2005


I think I should be able to change a slide state based on a respondent's 
keyed entry. I have an 8-point scale. When the respondent pushes 1, for 
example, I want the slide to change to the state where the number 1 is 
blue, indicating that it is selected, and another message appears on the 
screen that says something like, "You may change your answer, or press 
the spacebar to continue." The space key ends the slide. So, the 9 
states of the slide would be the initial scale (plus a variable stimulus 
that is being judged), then states 1-8 with a number highlighted and an 
option to press the spacebar to continue or press another number to 
change the answer.

Can I do this within a slide, based on the RESP?

Leisha Wharfield
Decision Research
Eugene, Oregon, USA

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