incorrect response logging?

BORODKIN KATY borodkk at
Sun Dec 3 10:53:53 UTC 2006

Hi all, 

I built an experiment in which the participant responds to a picture. Depending on his/hers response, the trial continues further (to different paths). For example, if the response is correct, then the next picture is presented. If the response is incorrect, the participant is presented with cues. If the participant doesn't know how to respond, he is presented with a few questions. After each question, the trial continues to different paths, again, depending on response. All these response-dependent "jumps" within a trial are performed using InLine and Label icons. All works well. 

But the output is certainly unsatisfactory- responses (RESP) are somehow recorded even when a specific icon was skipped. For example, if the participant answers correctly to the first question following a "don't know" response, the trial stops and the next picture is presented. I would expect that no responses are logged for all the following steps of this trial. Instead, the program presents responses for all these skipped steps. The response recorded is the response that actually occurred on the last trial when the particular step wasn't missed. I have no idea how to deal with it. Be happy to hear any suggestions.

Thanks a lot, 
Katy Borodkin
Psychology Department
Bar Ilan University
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