Run eprime minimized

Leisha Wharfield leisha at
Tue May 9 19:12:17 UTC 2006

Hi, all,

I'm hoping to run an eprime experiment in a window that is 80% of the 
entire screen, so that my desktop shows behind it. I've made a screen 
shot of the desktop that exists on the testing computer, but it's 
resolution is a bit fuzzy & clearly not the same as the desktop.

All my windows in the actual experiment fill just 80% of the screen. My 
problem is that eprime clears the screen just before it begins the 
experiment, so I have to throw the desktop back up there again, and that 
desktop looks like a low-resolution screen shot.

Ideally, I could run the eprime experiment in the window -- we're 
talking PC computers here -- that eprime launches from, keeping the 
original desktop and the familiar border around the window that PC users 
see when an application runs minimized.

Any thoughts on achieving this?


Leisha Wharfield
Decision Research
Eugene, Oregon, USA

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