Recording Mouse Locations

Ben Robinson brobinso at
Tue Feb 13 16:43:57 UTC 2007

if you're not trying to get a running picture of where the pointer is every 10 ms, you could also do something like this...

name your procedure.  add two columns, one 'x' and one 'y'.  set the weight so that it will run a few times.
once you see that the skeleton works, you can also add columns for 'map1' and 'map2', add all your various .bmp filenames.

put the following 5 items into your newly created procedure.

Mouse.ShowCursor False

Slide1: displays your map (a .bmp image file).

Mouse.SetCursorPos Display.XRes/2, .35 * Display.YRes  'this part you may want to randomize - it determines where onscreen the mouse cursor will first appear
Mouse.ShowCursor True

Slide2: displays the second map.  set Slide2's duration to infinite, add a mouse to the allowable input devices, and set it to terminate upon receipt of a mouse click.  also, under logging, check RT so you'll record the reaction time of their response.

Dim xPos As Integer
Dim yPos As Integer
Dim mouse1 As MouseResponseData	
Set mouse1 = CMouseResponseData(Slide2.InputMasks.Item(1).Responses(1))
xPos = mouse1.CursorX
yPos = mouse1.CursorY
c.SetAttribAtSource "x", xPos
c.SetAttribAtSource "y", yPos

make sense?

ben robinson

>>> Nicholas Goodman <goodman2 at> 2/12/2007 11:35 AM >>>

> Hello great minds,
>   I am an RA in a lab, I was handed E-Prime version 1.1 to learn and
> develop a procedure about 4 days ago.
> In our experiment we briefly present a blank map for a few seconds with a
> "dot" located anywhere within the map. a second map follows this first map.
> The task of the subject is to replicate the dot's position on the new map.
> Ideally, I would like to record their actual responses with the mouse. Any
> suggestions?
> Thank you,
> Nick Goodman
> Graduate Student of Psychology
> Western Washington University

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