Experiment time limit, with warning...

Ben Robinson brobinso at mprc.umaryland.edu
Thu Jan 11 15:50:03 UTC 2007

that looks like the right angle to me.
all except for the use of the colon (">= 1140000 : <= 1200000").  i can't swear to it, but i don't think that syntax will work with eprime.
i would recommend, instead, something like

'place the Dim statement in your User Script
Dim warnThemOnlyOnce as Integer

'place this If Then wherever it belongs
If RteRunnableInputObject.RTTime >= 1140000 And warnThemOnlyOnce = 0 Then
    warnThemOnlyOnce = 1
    goto Label1
ElseIf RteRunnableInputObject.RTTime >= 1200000 Then
    goto Label2
End If

>>> "Eddie Dubourg" <eddie at ling.ed.ac.uk> 1/11/2007 10:29 AM >>>
I'm writing an experiment that needs a specific duration of 20 minutes.
Now, I know it's trivial to put a duration on the list that calls the
experimental block (and I wish I could do this), but the researcher I'm
working with needs to warn the subjects at 19 mins that the time is nearly
up, and at 20 mins, the experiment needs to terminate.

I've looked at the RTTime help files, and am working on a variants of :-

if RteRunnableInputObject.RTTime >= 1140000 : <= 1200000 then goto LABEL1 
else if RteRunnableInputObject.RTTime >= 1200000 then goto LABEL2 
end if

Am I approaching this from the right angle?

Many thanks

Eddie Dubourg

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