Different color text on the opening instructions screen

Mark A. Casteel mac13 at psu.edu
Thu Sep 27 15:17:04 UTC 2007

Hi. I realize this should be an easy thing to figure out, but I can't 
seem to get it to work. I have an opening instructions screen where I 
tell the subjects that a Get Ready signal will appear showing where 
the text stories will appear in the left margin. The instructions are 
in black on a white background, but I would like the "Get Ready" to 
appear in red, as it will in the actual experiment. How can I do this 
easily? TIA

-- Mark

Mark A. Casteel, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
Penn State York
1031 Edgecomb Ave.
York, PA  17403
(717) 771-4028

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