Do ... Loop

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Mon Jan 28 18:45:57 UTC 2008


Or, try running your flicker procedure from an ordinary E-Prime 
list.  First set the list(let's call it FlickerList) to run some very 
large number of times or seconds (essentially forever).  In your list 
procedure, have an Inline object with the following line:
If A'.ACC = 1 Then FickerList.Terminate

This will repeat the list until the subject gives a correct answer, 
and the correct answer will terminate the list.

(For advanced users, the line could be
If (A'.ACC Or GetUserBreakState()) Then FickerList.Terminate
i.e.,  (1) The test A'.ACC <> 0 is implied, and  (2) 
GetUserBreakState() allows the developer to gracefully exit the list 
using the <ctrl><shift> key combo.)

David McFarlane, Systems Designer
Dept. Psychology, Michigan State University
mcfarla9 at
Voice: (517) 353-0799    Fax: (517) 353-1652

At 1/28/2008 12:58 PM Monday, you wrote:
>it sounds like all you may really need is an If... Then statement.
>'this is what you'll need in your trial procedure time-line:
>If A'.ACC = 0 Then Goto Label1
>'this If... Then statement will cause the script to return to the 
>beginning of the trial if the incorrect response is given (A'.RESP = 0)
>On Jan 28, 2008 11:31 AM, Pedro Margalhos 
><<mailto:margalhos at>margalhos at> wrote:
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>From: Pedro Margalhos <<mailto:margalhos at>margalhos at>
>Date: 28/01/2008 16:18
>Subject: Do ... Loop
>To: <mailto:e-prime at>e-prime at
>I'm trying to set an experiment with e-prime to run a flicker 
>paradigm. Therefore, i need do use a Do ... Loop Statement (more 
>specifically a Do ... Loop Until condition). This because i need to 
>have the stimulus repeated until the condition/answer is True.
>The experiment consists in presenting a fixation cross, a picture 
>(A), a mask, a picture (A'), a mask, and then have the participant 
>to signal if there were any differences between both images 
>presented. If there is no answer or a wrong (False) from the 
>participant the set must be repeated.
>Thanks in advance,
>Pedro Margalhos Rodrigues

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