Recording Real Time Responses

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Wed Oct 15 14:11:35 UTC 2008

Speechy wrote:
> Is there a way that I can record participants' responses and their RTs
> while the subject is performing the task without sitting right beside
> them and without them seeing any type of feedback on accuracy or RT?
> For example, is there a way that the participant can complete a task
> on one computer (without any visual feedback) but I can see his/her
> responses and the RT for each trial on a different monitor in real
> time?  This would serve as a backup method in case the responses/RT
> aren't recorded for some reason in E-prime.

In ten years of using E-Prime, I cannot think of any instance where 
E-Prime failed in such a way that we would have had need of such a 
backup, but I would be interested to hear from others.  FWIW, E-Prime 
does record everything to a text file on the disk on the fly, so even if 
it crashes mid-experiment you may recover the data up to that point 
using the E-Recovery program.

As for your question, I believe you could do such a thing with E-Prime 2 
Professional and sufficient programming in script.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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