contingent stimulus presentation

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Sep 30 19:19:00 UTC 2008


>Please help.  I am learning how to interface the e-prime software
>program with the ASL 6000 eye tracker.  So far, I have learned how to
>send and receive x-dats from e-prime.  My goal is to learn how to
>create a contingent response paradigm where eye gaze data collected
>from the ASL program controls stimulus presentation in e-prime.  I
>have had no success thus far as both software producers tell me to
>contact the other.  My first question is is this even a capability of
>the e-prime program?

Just addressing the general question, since this gets asked from time 
to time.  E-Prime runs on E-Basic, which in turn is a dialect of 
Microsoft VisualBasic, which in turn is a rather full-fledged 
programming language that can in principle do just about anything 
that can be programmed with a computer.  So in general, yes, whatever 
you want to do, in principle EP can do it.  Of course, in practice it 
may not be easy, and other programming tools may work better for 
specific tasks.

>If it is a possibility does anyone have any idea where to start?

I have never used EP with an eyetracker, so I cannot help you there, 
just wanted to address the general question.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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