How to implement ordered stimulus repetition in E-Prime

liwenna liwenna at
Fri Dec 11 11:14:40 UTC 2009

Hi Valerie,

I think we are a bit in the dark on your exact needs still. If you'd
write a script within e-prime to order the triallist each run of e-
prime will give the exact same order, which isnt' what you want I
think cause if I understand correctly you need 125 different 'orders'.
Right? And these orders need to be known beforehand and can't be
created 'on the fly', am I right to think so?

In that case I think your best shot is to create 125 lists and store
them in 125 textfiles that are loaded into the triallist by e-prime
based on for instance subjectnumber.

If the randomisation can be made at random for each subject during the
running of e-prime... you could consider using three different lists
that are run subsequently each of them containing your 12 key-trials
as well as a number of fillertrials and randomise each list: this way
you can't control the number of fillertrials inbetween keytrials and
also you can't prevent keytrials to be presented subsequently but you
do know that each of the 12 keytrials will have been presented once
before any of them is repeated and you also have a random number of
intervening fillertrials as well as a new random order on each run of
e-prime (i.e. each subject).

Just two cents, tell a bit more about your exact needs if the above
doesn't help at all (which seems likely :p)



On 9 dec, 23:33, Valerie <vvanmulu... at> wrote:
> Hi,
> For my fMRI adaptation experiment, I need to encode ordered
> repetitions. That is, I have an ordered list of stimuli that will be
> presented, but within this list (each of the) 12 items will be
> repeated three times (with a variable number of intervening trials). I
> was wondering, is there a way to make use of the ID’s that the
> different stimuli have to implement this repetition in E-Prime? For
> example, by writing some script which recalls an ID or something?
> (I.e. [present 1, 2, 3, 1, ..]). I will need to make 125 lists, so it
> would really save time if there were a way to implement this.
> Thanks!
> Valerie


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