CreateInputMask for Joystick

Tobi tobias.fw at
Thu Dec 17 20:02:49 UTC 2009

I used the following code to call an object in the unreferenced
objects, "feedback", as a feedback for accuracy and RT in the last

I used the term "feedback.InputMasks.Add Keyboard.CreateInputMask" to
specifiy the input. Now I want to use a Joystick instead of a
keyboard. That works well for the entire experiment, but not for this
code. The error message is: "Unknown Custom Option: "Response Mode".

By the way: I use E-Prime 2. How can I solve this problem?

Thanks fo all kinds of help!


This is the code (crucial parts are "feedback.InputMasks.Add

If c.GetAttrib("exppart") = "task" Then
	If  c.GetAttrib(c.GetAttrib("Running") & ".Sample")  MOD 60 = 0 AND
c.GetAttrib(c.GetAttrib("Running") & ".Sample")  MOD 1680 <> 0 Then
		c.SetAttrib "BlockAcc", Format(CStr(CDbl(SummationAcc.Mean * 100)),
		c.SetAttrib "BlockRT", Format(CStr(CDbl(SummationRT.Mean )), "0")
		RT = c.GetAttrib("BlockRT")
		Acc = c.GetAttrib("BlockAcc")
			blockcount = blockcount +1
			feedback.InputMasks.Add Joystick.CreateInputMask("{ANY}", "", CLng
(feedback.Duration), CLng("1"), ebEndResponseActionTerminate, CLogical
("Yes"), "", "", "ResponseMode:All ProcessBackspace:Yes")
			feedback.text = "Leistung in Block " & blockcount & "/28" & "\n\n\n
\n" & "Reaktionszeit: " & RT & " ms" & "\n" & "Richtige Antworten: " &
Acc & " %" & "\n\n\n" & "- Beliebige Taste zum Fortsetzen drücken -"
			Set SummationAcc = New Summation
			Set SummationRT = New Summation
			PauseB.InputMasks.Add Joystick.CreateInputMask("{ANY}", "", CLng
(PauseB.Duration), CLng("1"), ebEndResponseActionTerminate, CLogical
("Yes"), "", "", "ResponseMode:All ProcessBackspace:Yes")
	End if


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