Randomisation across blocks

River ll356 at medschl.cam.ac.uk
Fri Jun 5 12:23:36 UTC 2009


I am trying to randomise stimuli across two test blocks using the
following List settings:

41 random images(unrepeated) from ListA
1 cue image_1
3 random images (unrepeated) from ListA

41 random images (unrepeated) from ListA
1 cue image_2
3 random images (unrepeated) from ListA

The random images all come from the same list (BlockListA) with two
nested lists, Target absent images (containing 43 images)  and Target
present images(containing 45 images). Each of the two cue images have
a separate list to themselves.

The TestBlocks state the order should be sequential while BlockListA
and the Target Absent and Target Present nested lists both state
ordering should be random (without replacement).

When i run the experiment one of the target absent images is repeated
instead of showing the final target present image. I can't understand
why the randomisation is working across these test blocks for all bar
a single image (not the same one each time)!!

I've changed the experiment to the following structure:

45 (sequentially ordered) images from BlockListA

45 (sequentially ordered) images from BlockListB

Where BlockListA states (sequential ordering):
41 images from TargetList (which contains both target absent and
target present images)
1 image from Cue_1
3 images from TargetList

Where BlockListB states (sequential ordering):
41 images from TargetList (which contains both target absent and
target present images)
1 image from Cue_2
3 images from TargetList

Where TargetList ordering is random without replacement. This seems to
work (i've run the experiment 8 times so far with no duplicates/
missing images) but i'd like to know why this would work instead of
the above described experiment as essentially the only difference is
that the random images are all in the same list and the sequential
ordering of 41 random images, 1cue, 3 random images is described later
on in the list structure (i.e. in BlockListA not TestBlock).

I hope this is clear enough! Any advice would be much appreciated.

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