multiple response recording with no feedback display

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Fri Jun 12 15:43:51 UTC 2009

Have you tried submitting this to PST Web Support at ?  They seem to 
offer help for these things from time to time.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

>Hi, Help required!
>I've just about completed the eprime program for an experiment
>involving participants making repetitive responses to an auditory
>stimulus (within a slide).  The participant response does not
>terminate the slide; instead the slide repeats at an exact timed rate
>(determined by a "length" variable in the above list which is referred
>to in the duration tab).  Participants respond every time they hear
>the sound.  [the sound file consists of a period of silence, the beep,
>then more silence hence allowing for responses either side of the
>beep].  I need to record the time stamp of multiple responses per
>slide e.g. up to three or four, as participants may anticipate the
>beep, and press early, recorrect their mistake and press during, or
>anticipate the next beep during the current stimulus.  All these
>responses are acceptable but I need to record the time of each/any/no
>I have looked at the other multiple response posts on here, but as I
>am not experienced at writing script I am struggling to adapt the
>exemplar samples from the website.  They all seem to include script
>that provides feedback to the participant following multiple
>responses.  In my case I just want to record the timestamp of multiple
>responses.  I also wish to write the responses to the same output file
>that is already being generated in my experiment, rather than a new
>I have already allowed multiple mouse presses within the advanced
>settings on the input tab (e.g. up to 10). And this gives me output
>for how many presses have been made.
>Any help with script to add into inline objects (& advice on where the
>inlines should be placed) would be greatly appreciated, as I'm really
>struggling with this one!!!
>Many thanks in advance!
>Below is my attempt, but I know there are many things wrong with it!
>but it might help demonstrate:
>Dim i as Integer 'generic counter variable
>Dim nClicks As Integer 'number of responses
>Dim mouseMask As InputMask
>Dim mouseRespColl As ResponseDataCollection
>Dim OutputString as String
>'figure out where we are in List1
>OutputString = "Trial Number " + CStr(i)
>Write #1,OutputString
>nClicks = practblank1.InputMasks.Item(1).Responses.Count
>'write the number of responses to file
>Write #1,nClicks,"number responses"
>If nClicks > 0 Then
>         'get the InputMask associated with the keyboard response
>         Set mouseRespColl = practblank1.InputMasks.Item(1).Responses
>         'display RTs for each keyboard response (from start of trial)
>         For i = 1 to nClicks
>                 OutputString = mouseRespColl(i).RTTime
>                 Write #1,i,CInt(OutputString)
>         Next i
>If nClicks > 1 Then
>         For i = 1 to nClicks
>                 OutputString = mouseRespColl(i).RTTime
>                 Write #1,i,CInt(OutputString)
>         For i = 2 to nClicks
>                 OutputString = mouseRespColl(i+1).RTTime
>                 Write #1,i,CInt(OutputString)
>         Next i
>If nClicks > 2 Then
>         For i = 1 to nClicks
>                 OutputString = mouseRespColl(i).RTTime
>                 Write #1,i,CInt(OutputString)
>         For i = 2 to nClicks
>                 OutputString = mouseRespColl(i+1).RTTime
>                 Write #1,i,CInt(OutputString)
>         For i = 3 to nClicks
>                 OutputString = mouseRespColl(i+3).RTTime
>                 Write #1,i,CInt(OutputString)
>         End If
>Else If nClicks = 0 Then

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