Multiple correct string responses

Peter Quain pquain at
Tue Jun 30 03:47:41 UTC 2009

At 01:39 PM 30/06/2009, you wrote:

>This is the first time I've ever used E-prime so I'm very much a
>beginner. My main question is: What is the easiest way to allow
>multiple responses to be accepted as correct into a string input field
>on a single trial?
>In some trials, there are 113 correct responses  - and if the
>participant enters any of those 113, they must be counted as correct
>and the program needs to let them move on, BUT if they enter anything
>except those 113 they have to get feedback saying incorrect and must
>be sent back to the trial until they enter a correct response.

just a mud map, but maybe store the 113 correct responses in an 
array, then collect the string input as a variable and run a loop 
through the array elements checking for a match. If it finds one, 
jump out of the loop (maybe go to a label along the trial procedure), 
if it doesn't, then progress to a text object to tell them incorrect, 
followed by an inline which would start the trial again.

>I got excited earlier today because I thought that colon syntax would
>be the way to do this, but I can't seem to make that work - even when
>just trying with two correct responses.
>Is colon syntax the way I should be trying to do this? (In which case
>I'll go back and play with it because I guess I was doing it wrong.)
>Or is there some easier way?
>Thanks for any help you can offer,

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