Problem selecting from decks in Gambling Task...

KKat kathy.smolewska at
Tue May 26 03:55:38 UTC 2009


I am currently working on a modified version of the Iowa Gambling Task
(or Bechara Gambling Task). I have created a nested design for the 4
decks, hoping that this would allow the program to select values for
each deck sequentially. Deck A works but not the others. I'm not sure
what I'm doing wrong but I get the error:
Run-time Error (Line 490)
-990: Factor Error:
No such attribute "varwin2"

I have attached the relevant section of the script below. I'm not sure
how to attach the .es file here.

Thank you!


' Instance Declarations
Dim Display As DisplayDevice
Dim Sound As SoundDevice
Dim Keyboard As KeyboardDevice
Dim Mouse As MouseDevice
Dim SessionProc As Procedure

Dim BlockList As List

Dim BlockProc As Procedure

Dim TrialProc As Procedure

Dim Instructions As TextDisplay
Dim InstructionsEchoClients As EchoClientCollection

Dim DesignList As List

Dim DeckA As List

Dim DeckB As List

Dim DeckC As List

Dim DeckD As List

Dim FB As Slide
Dim FB_State As SlideState
Dim FB_SlideText As SlideText
Dim FB_SlideImage As SlideImage

Dim Goodbye As TextDisplay

Dim Game As Slide
Dim GameEchoClients As EchoClientCollection
Dim Game_State As SlideState
Dim Game_SlideText As SlideText
Dim Game_SlideImage As SlideImage

Dim Final As Slide
Dim Final_State As SlideState
Dim Final_SlideText As SlideText

' Package Declare Script

' User Script
Dim totalsum As integer
Dim var As integer
Dim win As integer, loss As integer
Dim totalsumD1 As integer
Dim totalsumD2 As integer
Dim totalsumD3 As integer
Dim totalsumD4 As integer
Dim winD1 As integer, winD2 As integer, winD3 As integer, winD4 As
integer, lossD1 As integer, lossD2 As integer, lossD3 As integer,
lossD4 As integer
Dim EndTotal As integer
Dim EndTotal2 As integer
Dim DeckChoice As integer
Dim Deck1, Deck2, Deck3, Deck4 As Integer
Dim BarTotalwin As Integer
Dim TotalGain As Integer
Dim TotalLoss As Integer
Dim i As Integer, y as Integer, j as Integer

' Package Global Script

' Package Routines

' Implementation
Sub SessionProc_Run(c as Context)

	' InLine - Initializevariable BEGIN
	Totalsum = 0
TotalsumD1 = 0
TotalsumD2 = 0
TotalsumD3 = 0
TotalsumD4 = 0
EndTotal = 0
EndTotal2 = 0
BarTotalWin = 0
TotalGain = 0
TotalLoss = 0
	' InLine - Initializevariable END


	If Keyboard.GetState() = ebStateOpen Then
		Instructions.InputMasks.Add Keyboard.CreateInputMask("{SPACE}", "",
CLng(Instructions.Duration), CLng("1"), ebEndResponseActionTerminate,
CLogical("Yes"), "", "", "ResponseMode:All ProcessBackspace:Yes")

	End If

	BlockList.Run c

	' InLine - GainOrLose BEGIN
	if totalsum > 0 then
	Final.ActiveState = "EndWin"
	c.setAttrib "Endtotal", totalsum
end if
if totalsum = 0 then
	Final.ActiveState = "EndNull"
	c.setAttrib "EndTotal", totalsum
end if
if totalsum < 0 then
	Final.ActiveState = "EndLoss"
	c.setAttrib "EndTotal", totalsum
end if
	' InLine - GainOrLose END

	Select Case Final.ActiveState
		Case "EndWin"

			Set Final_SlideText = CSlideText(Final.States.Item("EndWin").Objects
			Final_SlideText.Text = "Congratulations! You have won a total of $"
				c.GetAttrib("Endtotal") &_
			Set Final_SlideText = Nothing
		Case "EndLoss"

			Set Final_SlideText = CSlideText(Final.States.Item
			Final_SlideText.Text = "Unfortunately, you lost money!  Your total
loss is $" &_
				c.GetAttrib("EndTotal") &_
			Set Final_SlideText = Nothing
		Case "EndNull"

			Set Final_SlideText = CSlideText(Final.States.Item
			Final_SlideText.Text = "Unfortunately, you did not win anything.
Your final total is $" &_
				c.GetAttrib("EndTotal") &_
			Set Final_SlideText = Nothing
	End Select



	' Log clock timing information
	c.SetAttrib "Clock.Information", Clock.Information
#End If

End Sub

Sub BlockProc_Run(c as Context)
	DesignList.Run c

End Sub

Sub TrialProc_Run(c as Context)

	' InLine - InLineA BEGIN
	c.setAttrib "totalsum", totalsum
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD1", TotalsumD1
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD2", TotalsumD2
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD3", TotalsumD3
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD4", TotalsumD4
c.setAttrib "TotalGain", TotalGain
c.setAttrib "TotalLoss", TotalLoss

	' InLine - InLineA END

	Select Case Game.ActiveState
		Case "Default"

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Game_SlideText.Text = "Current Total:" &_
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing
	End Select


	If Keyboard.GetState() = ebStateOpen Then
		Game.InputMasks.Add Keyboard.CreateInputMask("afjl", "afjl", CLng
(Game.Duration), CLng("1"), ebEndResponseActionTerminate, CLogical
("Yes"), "", "", "ResponseMode:All ProcessBackspace:Yes")

	End If


	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RTTime", Game.RTTime
	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RT", Game.RT
	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RESP", Game.RESP

' InLine - InLineA BEGIN
	c.setAttrib "totalsum", totalsum
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD1", TotalsumD1
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD2", TotalsumD2
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD3", TotalsumD3
c.setAttrib "TotalsumD4", TotalsumD4
c.setAttrib "TotalGain", TotalGain
c.setAttrib "TotalLoss", TotalLoss

	' InLine - InLineA END

	Select Case Game.ActiveState
		Case "Default"

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Game_SlideText.Text = "Current Total:" &_
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideImage = CSlideImage(Game.States.Item
			Set Game_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set Game_SlideText = CSlideText(Game.States.Item("Default").Objects
			Set Game_SlideText = Nothing
	End Select


	If Keyboard.GetState() = ebStateOpen Then
		Game.InputMasks.Add Keyboard.CreateInputMask("afjl", "afjl", CLng
(Game.Duration), CLng("1"), ebEndResponseActionTerminate, CLogical
("Yes"), "", "", "ResponseMode:All ProcessBackspace:Yes")

	End If


	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RTTime", Game.RTTime
	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RT", Game.RT
	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RESP", Game.RESP

	' InLine - Choose1234 BEGIN
	If game.RESP = "a" then
	FB.ActiveState = "f1"
 	win = c.getAttrib("varwin1")
	loss = c.getAttrib("varloss1")
	totalsum = totalsum + win + loss
	TotalGain = TotalGain + win
	TotalLoss = TotalLoss + loss
	c.setAttrib "Totalsum", Totalsum
	c.setAttrib "AmountWon", win
	c.setAttrib "AmountLost", loss
	c.setAttrib "TotalGain", TotalGain
	c.setAttrib "TotalLoss", TotalLoss
	c.setAttrib "DeckChoice", 1
	winD1 = c.getAttrib("varwin1")
	lossD1 = c.getAttrib("varloss1")
	TotalsumD1 = totalsumD1 + winD1 + lossD1
	c.setAttrib "TotalsumD1", TotalsumD1
	i = Abs(TotalGain)
	y = c.GetAttrib("TotalLoss")
	j = Abs(y)

	BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(i+j)*100
	c.setAttrib "BarTotalWin", BarTotalWin
	If BarTotalWin = 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin < 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 0 AND BarTotalWin <= 6 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 6 AND BarTotalWin <= 19 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar13-87.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 19 AND BarTotalWin <= 31 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar25-75.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 31 AND BarTotalWin <= 43 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar37-63.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 43 AND BarTotalWin <= 56 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar50-50.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 56 AND BarTotalWin <= 69 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar63-37.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 69 AND BarTotalWin <= 81 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar75-25.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 81 AND BarTotalWin <= 93 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar87-13.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 93 AND BarTotalWin < 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin = 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	End If
elseif game.RESP = "f" then
	FB.ActiveState = "f2"
    win = c.getAttrib("varwin2")
	loss = c.getAttrib("varloss2")
	totalsum = totalsum + win + loss
	TotalGain = TotalGain + win
	TotalLoss = TotalLoss + loss
	c.setAttrib "Totalsum", Totalsum
	c.setAttrib "AmountWon", win
	c.setAttrib "AmountLost", loss
	c.setAttrib "TotalGain", TotalGain
	c.setAttrib "TotalLoss", TotalLoss
	c.setAttrib "DeckChoice", 2
	winD2 = c.getAttrib("varwin2")
	lossD2 = c.getAttrib("varloss2")
	TotalsumD2 = totalsumD2 + winD2 + lossD2
	c.setAttrib "TotalsumD2", TotalsumD2
	i = Abs(TotalGain)
	y = c.GetAttrib("TotalLoss")
	j = Abs(y)
	BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(i+j)*100
	'BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(TotalGain-TotalLoss)*100
	c.setAttrib "BarTotalWin", BarTotalWin
	If BarTotalWin = 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin < 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 0 AND BarTotalWin <= 6 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 6 AND BarTotalWin <= 19 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar13-87.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 19 AND BarTotalWin <= 31 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar25-75.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 31 AND BarTotalWin <= 43 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar37-63.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 43 AND BarTotalWin <= 56 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar50-50.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 56 AND BarTotalWin <= 69 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar63-37.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 69 AND BarTotalWin <= 81 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar75-25.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 81 AND BarTotalWin <= 93 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar87-13.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 93 AND BarTotalWin < 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin = 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	End If
elseif game.RESP = "j" then
	FB.ActiveState = "f3"
    win = c.getAttrib("varwin3")
	loss = c.getAttrib("varloss3")
	totalsum = totalsum + win + loss
	TotalGain = TotalGain + win
	TotalLoss = TotalLoss + loss
	c.setAttrib "Totalsum", Totalsum
	c.setAttrib "AmountWon", win
	c.setAttrib "AmountLost", loss
	c.setAttrib "TotalGain", TotalGain
	c.setAttrib "TotalLoss", TotalLoss
	c.setAttrib "DeckChoice", 3
	winD3 = c.getAttrib("varwin3")
	lossD3 = c.getAttrib("varloss3")
	TotalsumD3 = totalsumD3 + winD3 + lossD3
	c.setAttrib "TotalsumD3", TotalsumD3
	i = Abs(TotalGain)
	y = c.GetAttrib("TotalLoss")
	j = Abs(y)
	BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(i+j)*100
	'BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(TotalGain-TotalLoss)*100
	c.setAttrib "BarTotalWin", BarTotalWin
	If BarTotalWin = 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin < 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 0 AND BarTotalWin <= 6 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 6 AND BarTotalWin <= 19 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar13-87.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 19 AND BarTotalWin <= 31 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar25-75.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 31 AND BarTotalWin <= 43 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar37-63.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 43 AND BarTotalWin <= 56 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar50-50.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 56 AND BarTotalWin <= 69 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar63-37.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 69 AND BarTotalWin <= 81 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar75-25.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 81 AND BarTotalWin <= 93 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar87-13.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 93 AND BarTotalWin < 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin = 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	End If
elseif game.RESP = "l" then
	FB.ActiveState = "f4"
	win = c.getAttrib("varwin4")
	loss = c.getAttrib("varloss4")
	totalsum = totalsum + win + loss
	TotalGain = TotalGain + win
	TotalLoss = TotalLoss + loss
	c.setAttrib "Totalsum", Totalsum
	c.setAttrib "AmountWon", win
	c.setAttrib "AmountLost", loss
	c.setAttrib "TotalGain", TotalGain
	c.setAttrib "TotalLoss", TotalLoss
	c.setAttrib "DeckChoice", 4
	winD4 = c.getAttrib("varwin4")
	lossD4 = c.getAttrib("varloss4")
	TotalsumD4 = totalsumD4 + winD4 + lossD4
	c.setAttrib "TotalsumD4", TotalsumD4
	i = Abs(TotalGain)
	y = c.GetAttrib("TotalLoss")
	j = Abs(y)
	BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(i+j)*100
	'BarTotalWin = TotalGain/(TotalGain-TotalLoss)*100
	c.setAttrib "BarTotalWin", BarTotalWin
	If BarTotalWin = 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin < 0 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 0 AND BarTotalWin <= 6 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar0-100.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 6 AND BarTotalWin <= 19 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar13-87.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 19 AND BarTotalWin <= 31 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar25-75.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 31 AND BarTotalWin <= 43 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar37-63.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 43 AND BarTotalWin <= 56 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar50-50.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 56 AND BarTotalWin <= 69 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar63-37.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 69 AND BarTotalWin <= 81 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar75-25.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 81 AND BarTotalWin <= 93 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar87-13.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 93 AND BarTotalWin < 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin = 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	ElseIf BarTotalWin > 100 then
		c.setAttrib "BarImage", "Bar100-0.bmp"
	End If
End If

	' InLine - Choose1234 END

	Select Case FB.ActiveState
		Case "f1"

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(1))
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(2))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Previous Total: $" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(3))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "\nLoss:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(4))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Gain:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(5))
			FB_SlideImage.Filename = c.GetAttrib("BarImage")
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(6))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(7))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(8))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f1").Objects(9))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing
		Case "f2"

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(1))
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(2))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Loss:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(3))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Gain:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(4))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Previous Total:$" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(5))
			FB_SlideImage.Filename = c.GetAttrib("BarImage")
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(6))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(7))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(8))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f2").Objects(9))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing
		Case "f3"

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(1))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Loss:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(2))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Gain:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(3))
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(4))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Previous Total:$" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(5))
			FB_SlideImage.Filename = c.GetAttrib("BarImage")
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(6))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(7))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(8))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f3").Objects(9))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing
		Case "f4"

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(1))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Loss:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(2))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Gain:" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(3))
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideText = CSlideText(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(4))
			FB_SlideText.Text = "Previous Total:$" &_
			Set FB_SlideText = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(5))
			FB_SlideImage.Filename = c.GetAttrib("BarImage")
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(6))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(7))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(8))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing

			Set FB_SlideImage = CSlideImage(FB.States.Item("f4").Objects(9))
			Set FB_SlideImage = Nothing
	End Select


	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RTTime", Game.RTTime
	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RT", Game.RT
	c.SetAttrib Game.Name & ".RESP", Game.RESP

End Sub

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