Feedback Help

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Sep 8 21:36:11 UTC 2009


First off, if you really have no idea how to write script, then you 
*must* pause here and work through Chapter 4 of the User's Guide that 
came with E-Prime.  I can wait...

... OK, did you *really* stop and work through Chapter 4?  Then let us 
proceed ...

You might do this with a simple TextDisplay object, or Text sub-objects 
within a slide, or you might go whole hog and use a Slide with multiple 

To use a text object, just use an attribute reference for your feedback 
text, e.g., [myFeedback]

Then add a bit of inline script between your response object and your 
feedback object to assign a value to myFeedback.  Suppose we call your 
response object ResponseText, and it uses the attribute CorrectKey for 
the correct response, then your script might look like this:

If ResponseText.RESP = "Z" Then
     If ResponseText.CRESP = "Z" Then c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "Hit"
     Else c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "Miss"
     If ResponseText.CRESP = "Z" Then c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "FA"
     Else c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "Correct Rejection"
End If

Or if you prefer, you can do this using the correct response scoring 
built in to E-Prime:
If ResponseText.CORR Then
     If ResponseText.RESP = "Z" Then c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "Hit"
     Else c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "Correct Rejection"
     If ResponseText.RESP = "Z" Then c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "FA"
     Else c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", "Miss"
End If

Finally, at the risk of some obfuscation, you could make use of the 
Iif() function to compact this to:
If ResponseText.CORR Then
     c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", Iif( ResponseText.RESP = "Z", "Hit", 
"Correct Rejection" )
     c.SetAttrib "myFeedback", Iif( ResponseText.RESP = "Z", "FA", "Miss" )
End If

It's really up to you and your programming style.

You could instead do this with a Slide with multiple states, one state 
each for Hit, Miss, False Alarm, and Correct Rejection.  Then you might 
keep all the slide text and design static, and just flip the state 
depending on the response.  I can only give a sketch of how to approach 
this.  First, to learn more about using Slides I would look through the 
manuals that came with E-Prime, and browse through the Slide topic in 
the online E-Basic Help (unfortunatley, I did not find any "Slide with 
multiple states" sample on the PST web site, perhaps they could add 
one?).  Then to really understand how to script this and how to invoke 
the separate slide states, I would create a Slide with multiple states 
and then look at the script that E-Prime generates for me.  In fact I 
figure out a lot of things in E-Prime just by looking at the script that 
E-Prime generates for me.

I have used a number of terms here that may be new to you (Iif, 
SetAttrib, etc.), in general to learn more about these please look in 
the online E-Basic Help.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

> I am conducting an airport luggage screening and need to tailor my
> feedback to where there is a different feedback for each response.
> (Hit, Miss, False Alarm and Correct Rejection). Participants press Z
> to indicate that weapon is present and M to indicate that there is no
> weapon present.
> Hit: Z Z (Correct Response/ User Response)
> Miss: Z M
> False Alarm: M Z
> Correct Rejection: M M
> I have no idea how to write script. Please help. Thanks

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