576 images in one slide

Tobias tobias.fw at gmail.com
Sat Feb 13 17:39:01 UTC 2010


so thanks to David's hint I could manage to compose a script
displaying 576 images on one slide. As I use a loop function it is not
much code, however the processing time is a problem.
Although the slide is supposed to be displayed for only 200 ms, it's
duration is about 700-800 ms. I thought about changing the images'
colour depth and got bitmaps of 144 bytes instead of 1 KB each.
Unfortunately that didn't change anything.
I then used pre-release of 1000 ms and (just to test) an empty screen
of 2000 ms just before each slide. Interestingly, the durationError
was increased exactly be the pre-release time and onsetDelay was
constant. This really is a riddle to me.

First of all, the duration didn't seem to be prolonged (by
appearance). Then, why is the duration not the desired 200 ms if there
is enough time for pre-release? What makes E-Prime unable to already
establish the slide?

Maybe you have had similar problems and could help me out.


On 15 Jan., 18:16, David McFarlane <mcfar... at msu.edu> wrote:
> Tobias,
> >576times inserting sub-objects is indeed too tedious, especially as
> >copy-paste doesn't work in e-prime for filename or positionin the
> >object settings.
> >If I change the code, I can only do that for the e-run script file,
> >right? If I do change something here I won't see that anywhere in a
> >visual form like in the main program of e-prime, if I'm not wrong.
> >This might make it hard to check if it is running as I want.
> No, no, no.  Sorry if that was not clear.  Look at the generated
> script just to figure out how things get done.  Then go back to
> E-Studio and do your editing & exploration in inline script there.  I
> would make one simple demo program to generate working code that I
> can examine, and then a separate demo program where I make my changes
> (and mistakes!).
> That said, here is another hint.  You have not said whether you are
> stuck with EP1 or EP2.  But if you have access to good old EP1, it is
> much, much easier to explore script in E-Run there.  As you
> recognize, what you change in E-Run will not propogate back to
> E-Studio, but in this case you just use E-Run edits to explore &
> learn, then apply (possibly by copy & paste) what you learn with
> E-Run back to inline script in E-Studio.
> Hope that makes things clearer.
> -- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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