scoring a nonresponse as a correct answer

Jim jjprisciandaro at
Wed Feb 24 19:07:47 UTC 2010

Using a paired down version of the task, with one block but with
everything else in tact, I tried some things:

1) I tried turning prerelease off on all objects, this didn't solve
the problem
2) As I noted previously, I tried shortening the response duration to
1150, also didn't solve the problem
3) Did both 1 and 2 simultaneously, and nonresponses were correctly
scored ACC = 1.
**So the problem is an interaction of prerelease and response duration

However, shortening the response duration really defeats the purpose
of why I removed the inline code. Specifically, I was concerned that
having the inline code (and having the previous object with a
prerelease of 100ms) meant that the inline would be executed 100ms
before the end of the response period. So,

4) I turned all prereleases off, inserted my scoring inline code,
nonresponses were correctly scored.

So, now a question about inline code: how much time does it add to
each trial of my task to run the inline code (and does this amount of
time increase depending on the length of the inline code script)? My
task currently has each trial as a) stimulus (250ms with 1250ms
response window), b) blank screen (1000ms), c) inline scoring code. My

1) Does adding the inline code increase the duration of the overall
task (does the magnitude of this increase in duration depend on the
length of inline code)?
2) Does adding inline code cause responses to be logged and scored
prior to the termination of the 1250ms response window? (If so, how
3) To clarify your earlier point, David, I am assuming that removing
all prereleases shouldn't change the overall duration of my task, just
the magnitude of onset delays, right?

By the way, this discussion has been, and continues to be,
tremendously helpful in my learning about e-prime as a new user!


On Feb 23, 5:50 pm, David McFarlane <mcfar... at> wrote:
> Jim,
> >FYI, I set the response duration as 1150ms (100ms prior to the
> >presentation of the subsequent stimulus) and nonresponses are still
> >being incorrectly scored as ACC=0. ???
> You need to stop working on the actual experiment program.  Before
> you do anything else, make a simple demo program with a List and a
> Procedure with one TextDisplay, have it take some input and leave
> Correct empty, then run it and see that you get .ACC = 1 for
> nonresponses.  If you cannot get that to work then nothing else
> matters.  Once you do get that to work you can extend it along the
> lines of your experiment until you figure out what is going on.
> As a general strategy, I find it more productive to start from
> success than from failure -- easier to start with a simple and easily
> understood working model and find what breaks it than to start from a
> complex broken model and find what fixes it.
> -- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

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