InLine not recognized_ Contingent Branching via Jump Object

eleaves eleaves at
Sat Jun 26 22:17:20 UTC 2010


I need to make a program where the subject response determines the
feedback (which is a picture (slide object)) that is presented. I want
to do this with jump labels for each "correct" "incorrect" and "no
response" conditions which would point to the appropriate slide
object. That slide object would then jump again to the inter trial
delay and then the whole sequence would repeat. My problem is that the
program does not seem to read in my inline commands. My inline is:

If StimObject.RESP = ("CorrectAnswer") Then
	Goto CorLabel
Elseif StimObject.RESP = ("InCorrectAnswer") Then
	Goto InCorLabel
	Goto NoRespLabel

End If

Do I have to 'Dim" something first? Also, there if I do not comment
the Else statement, the program gets stuck on that NoResp screen...
But it's like eprime doesn't even take into account the other if then

Any ideas???

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