Display text (or anything) in front of a video

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Tue Mar 9 17:27:51 UTC 2010

David V,

Thanks.  But, um, I am running EP2 Pro, and I do not see any 
capability there to run multiple videos on a Slide, whether or not 
they overlap.  Indeed, at http://www.pstnet.com/eprime.cfm PST does 
claim that EP2 Pro can "Play multiple movies simultaneously on 
critical timing trials", but until another user can testify to that 
or PST sends me a working demo, I consider that to be just another 
one of their many empty promises.

And since you bring up the issue of names for the two 
editions...  Originally PST used "E-Prime 2.0 Professional" to refer 
to the Pro edition, and just plain "E-Prime 2.0" to refer to the 
non-Pro edition, which left us no way to refer to EP2 in a 
non-specific way and as you might imagine led to considerable 
confusion.  PST has since relented and now officially calls the 
non-Pro version "Standard".  This is an improvement, but I still 
object that what they call "Standard" is not, well, standard.  The 
true standard is Pro, and non-Pro is only for those in special 
circumstances.  I searched for my own alternative term and I too 
wanted to call non-Pro something like Baby or Amatuer (which I find 
just a bit too perjorative) or Basic (which then gets confused with 
the language BASIC).  I sort of settled on calling the non-Pro 
version "Base", in the sense of a capable base model that 
nevertheless lacks enough amenities that no one seriously buys it 
(rather like the "base" model offered by automobile 
manufacturers).  Sadly, now that PST officially calls it "Standard", 
if I start referring to "Base" then no one will know what I am 
talking about.  Hence, as ugly and confusing as it is, I keep 
referring to Pro vs. non-Pro.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

>David M -
>I too am running  This appears to be another of those Pro 
>vs Normal (Amateur?) differences - a Pro experiment permits multiple 
>videos on a single slide (as long as they are not overlapping), a 
>normal 2.0 experiment only allows one.
>David McFarlane wrote:
>>Ah, but you made it further than I did -- still using EP2.0.8.22, 
>>it disabled the SlideMovie icon in E-Studio as soon as I added one 
>>SlideMovie, so never even got to try multiple movies on one Slide 
>>(unless I would manually construct that in inline code, but I did 
>>not go that far :) ).
>>-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder
>>>A side point but worth mentioning, overlapping videos on a slide 
>>>don't work nicely either.
>>>David McFarlane wrote:
>>>>Hmm, but if E-Prime would allow playing multiple overlapping 
>>>>movies on one Slide then that would itself add a fair degree of 
>>>>on-the-fly video mixing...
>>>Overlapping movies on one slide = crash in my experience, e.g.
>>>Run-time Error 11036: Unable to update working surface in frame 
>>>host manager.
>David Vinson, Ph.D.
>Postdoctoral Researcher
>Cognitive, Perceptual and Brain Sciences Research Department
>University College London
>49 Gordon Square, London, WC1H 0PD
>Tel +44 20 7679 5311   (UCL internal x25311, alternate x28694)
>d.vinson at ucl.ac.uk

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