Feedback for anticipation

Vera vera.donk at
Sun Mar 14 14:44:38 UTC 2010

Hi again! :-)

Another question:

is there some way to give feedback for "anticipated" responses? Let's
say the participant gets to see a fixation cross and then some images.
By an effect of anticipation, it could be that he/she already pushes a
button before even seeing the actual stimulus. I was wondering if
there was some way to have a wav.file saying "too early".

I fiddled something together with my fixation cross being followed by
a feedback screen (I repeat the fixation cross at the feedback screen
in a text box) but it just doesn't work out right. :( E-Prime does
indeed give out the "too early" wav.file when a button is pushed when
the fixation cross is still there, but then I have two other

1. Of course it doesn't detect if a button is pushed WHILE the
feedback screen in shown (thus not giving any feedback).
2. On my feedback screen, I actually don't see the fixation cross (I
only hear the sound-feedback).

Am I giving myself a too hard time here, or did I just oversee some
function in E-Prime? Is there something like "anticipation feedback"?

Thanks to anybody who can give me a clue! :-)

Greetings, Vera

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