strange adding

Tobias tobias.fw at
Wed Mar 24 15:56:42 UTC 2010

Hej there,

I have a rather VB-related problem for a current E-Prime file.
In a script I want to change an EEG marker according to a certain

	if condition = 2 then
		dim newmarker as integer
		newmarker = c.getattrib("Marker")
		newmarker = newmarker + 10
		c.setattrib "MarkerSearch", newmarker
	end if

What E-Prime does is as follows: if the marker is 33 it will be 1033
afterwards. So it "adds" a ten in front of the number. Samewise, if I
added + 2, it will put a 2 in front of the number. This is strange as
"newmarker" is an integer.

Even when I use "CInt(c.getattrib("Marker"))" which should turn any
string into an integer, this doesn't change anything.

Anyway out of here?

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