E-prime 2.0 & SRBox & ERP

Sibel sibelozer.ege at gmail.com
Fri Nov 11 23:20:06 UTC 2011

Hi Everybody,
Previously, I used e-prime for a picture naming task in which
participants first saw morphologically complex words and followingly
pictures related/unrelated to these words. Subjects only named the
pictures but asked to keep silent during distractor word presentation.
Now, we would like to extend this study to collecting ERP measures. We
do not neither have the Netstation extension of e-prime nor can buy
expensive equipment. Currently, we aren't interested in the signal
localization but just keeping track of ERP components. I read about
the trigger codes and problems related to timing.Has any of you used
SRBox in an ERP experiment?Do event trigger codes work fine in such a
design?also,which products do you suggest for collecting ERP signals?
I look forward to reading an answer, thank you


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