Defining the location of dialog box

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Mon Sep 26 17:40:52 UTC 2011


Michiel already answered the question as 
posed.  I would add that you could accomplish 
much the same end by using an input mask with an 
increased Max Count and adding an Echo Client, 
which could provide a more seamless look, but 
admittedly that does take rather more finesse than a simple InputBox.

-- David McFarlane, Professional Faultfinder

At 9/26/2011 09:57 AM Monday, Michiel Spape wrote:
>Hi Gilis,
>Interesting question, but it seems like it's already answered in the helpfile:
>InputBox[$](prompt [, [title] [, [default] 
>[,[xpos],[ypos] [,helpfile,context]]]])
>Dim a as string
>a = inputbox("what is a", "myTitle", "null", 2000, 5000)
>...Will display an inputbox at x,y = 2000,5000. 
>Careful, x/y is defined in twips. Twips? 
>Twentieths of a point. Learn something new every day!
>Michiel Spapé
>Research Fellow
>Perception & Action group
>University of Nottingham
>School of Psychology
>-----Original Message-----
>From: e-prime at 
>[mailto:e-prime at] On Behalf Of gilis
>Sent: 26 September 2011 14:44
>To: E-Prime
>Subject: Defining the location of dialog box
>Dear all,
>In my experiment people are asked to insert text through a dialog box
>(askbox)-the issue is that they have to enter the text while the image
>stimuli are still visible so it appear that the askbox always covert
>part of the stimulus that should be seen. My question is how can I
>define the location of the dialog box in the display.
>Many thanks

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