Getting XY coordinates of stimuli in output

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Apr 3 14:12:12 UTC 2012

Oops, I hope everyone caught my typo in my code fragments (thanks, 
Mich!).  Those should read

     Display.XRes * 20/100


-- David McFarlane

At 4/2/2012 02:32 PM Monday, you wrote:
>Two parts to this question:
>1) How to compute pixel coordinates from % coordinates?
>2) How to log these coordinates in the .edat file?
>As for #1, you may translate % coordinates to pixel coordinates 
>through use of Display.XRes and Display.YRes (see those topics in 
>the E-Basic Help facility).  E.g., if the X coordinate of a text box 
>is 20%, then its pixel coordinate is
>     Display.XRes * 20/1000
>(One high-performance hint for aspiring E-Basic/VBA experts:  If you 
>will make many calls to Display.XRes/.Res, store these values to a 
>variables in order to reduce overhead from repeated object access.)
>As for #2, merely use c.SetAttrib to add the value to the log, e.g.,
>     c.SetAttrib "Text1.X", Display.XRes * 20/1000
>See the Context topic in the E-Basic Help.  You may also ask for 
>help from PST's trained staff at 
> , they strive 
>to respond to all requests in 24-48 hours.
>David McFarlane
>E-Prime training 
>Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (
>At 4/2/2012 09:51 AM Monday, you wrote:
>>I have a quick question concerning the exact placement of stimuli.  I
>>am using a Tobii eye tracker in conjunction with E-prime and I have 9
>>AOIs specified in my script via text boxes.  My question is, I
>>currently have the position of my AOIs specified by relative figures
>>(i.e. percentages) so that it can accommodate multiple resolutions
>>(which is important), but I also need the exact XY coordinates of each
>>AOI for data processing.  Is there a way to have the coordinates
>>output into a text file, an E-prime proprietary file, or a user
>>defined column of my gazedata file? I know you can compute the
>>coordinates, but I would rather have them output automatically in
>>order to combat user error since other experimenters will be using
>>this script.

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