SlideImage Subobject

Wed Apr 25 05:49:12 UTC 2012

Hello! Hope you can help me.
I'm making a memory experiment, in the encoding phase are two images
that should be classified as same or different.  In the recognition
phase are two images, one must decide which image is old or if both
are new. The problem is that in the recognition phase I want the
program select randomly one of the two images presented in the
previous stage to be presented with a new image. Use a slide with
three objects, each corresponding to the three options (old image 1,
old image 2 and new image). I use this script to select randomly the
old image and the position (is only a part):

Set RImg1 =
Set RImg2 =
Set NImg =

stims = c.GetAttrib("StimType") If stims = "1" Then
stim = 1
stim = 2
End If

pos = PRNG.Random(1, 2)		'Select a position

OldStim = PRNG.Random(1, 2)		'Select a old image

If pos = 1 And OldStim = 1 And stim = 1 Then
	pos1= pos1 + 1
	OldStim1 = OldStim1 + 1
	If pos1 > 10 Then
	GoTo SelectPosition
	If OldStim1 > 10 Then
	GoTo SelectOld
	'RImg1.Filename = c.GetAttrib("RImagen1")
	RImg1.X = "441"
	RImg1.Y = "384"
	'NImg.Filename =c.GetAttrib("NImagen")
	NImg.X = "589"
	NImg.Y = "384"
	c.SetAttrib "Location", "1"
	c.SetAttrib "PosOld", "1"
	Debug.Print c.GetAttrib("PosOld")
    End If
	End If
End If

If pos = 2 And OldStim = 1 And stim = 1 Then
    pos2= pos2 + 1
    OldStim1 = OldStim1 + 1
	If pos2 > 10 Then
	GoTo SelectPosition
	If OldStim1 > 10 Then
	GoTo SelectOld
	'NImg.Filename =c.GetAttrib("NImagen")
	NImg.X = "441"
    NImg.Y = "384"
'	RImg1.Filename = c.GetAttrib("RImagen1")
	RImg1.X = "589"
	RImg1.Y = "384"
	c.SetAttrib "Location", "2"
	c.SetAttrib "PosOld", "1"
	Debug.Print c.GetAttrib("PosOld")
	End If
End If
End If

The problem is that the script does not work, the program displays the
three images. I do not know how to make the program ignored the image
should not be presented.

Can anyone help me?

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