creating an oscillating bar using an inline element

BeckyL lundwall.becky at
Fri Jan 27 18:59:44 UTC 2012

I am trying to use the pstnet a modification of the sample "Simple
Animation/Apparent Motion Example" and to create a new task. I have EP
2 and am using Windows XP. I have tried using the E-prime Reference
Guide and Online E-Basic help but they are not specific enough to
solve the problem below with my code. I am having trouble getting the
line to move horizontally instead of diagonally up and right
(eventually I want it to oscillate in place instead of move off the
screen, but that is another step).


'Loop continuously until the lines are off screen.
Do Until y1 = 30

   'Increment and decrement coordinates.
   x1 = x1 + 1

   y1 = y1 - 1

   'Wait until the screen refreshes to avoid partial displays.

   'Clear the screen and draw the new lines.

   cnvs.Line x1, y1, x1, y1 + lineLen


Logically, it seems that the next step would be to specify that x1 =
x1 + 1 but y1 remain at 50 (or that y1 = y1). This works for the first
trial but crashes for the second trial.

Could someone please give more guidance on specifying coordinates for
movement? Thank you!

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