multiple choice without correct answer.

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Fri Mar 16 20:30:00 UTC 2012

OK, I am not quite following this.  How do subjects indicate their 
choice of the three options?  Do they press one of three keyboard 
keys?  If so, then you can have EP simply log which key they pressed, 
and since the EP List will also by default log which choice on your 
Slide occupied which slot, you will also be able to match up which of 
the offered choices corresponds to the subject's response.  No need 
to designate a "correct" response.  Yes, you could get fancier with a 
bit of inline code to do that matching for you and log directly which 
choice they selected, but even without that EP gives you enough data 
to deduce what you want.

I won't be able to help you sort this out further because it is time 
for me to take off for the weekend (Eastern USA time zone), so I will 
leave that to others here.

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

At 3/16/2012 04:09 PM Friday, you wrote:
>At the end of my experiment, I will ask participants to indicate their
>subjective experience.
>To indicate this, they will be presented 3 choices and asked to choose
>one them.
>So,there is no correct answer in this test. I want to see the option
>which they chose in data file.
>To create multiple choice format, I used slide object including 3
>choices as text.
>In my list, I have 3 attributions denoted to these choices.
>I have a part of script enabling mouse response.
>My problem is that I do not know how to write a code to record an
>option which participant chose. Maybe I can see name of the text which
>they chose in my data file but I do not know how to do that.
>The multiple choice test code does not work here because there is no
>correct answer...
>Could you please help me?
>Thank you.

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