modifying a single level of an attribute using .txt file

Anne-Wil liwenna at
Sat May 26 10:34:04 UTC 2012

Hi there,

HTML tags ( <fontcolour etc) don't work in e-prime (as you discovered), 
eprime works with a language called e-basic. However, most of the time it 
won't be needed to directly use any e-basic code when building your 
experiment, loads of basic functions are available through the menus of the 
different objects. 

How to best proceed kinda depends on what defines which stimulus should be 
in a different colour.

a) if one stimulus always has the different colour, than you could add an 
attribute 'fontcolour' to your list and enter the desired colour for each 
level in the cells, i.e. blue and purple. In the properties of the text 
object set the foreground colour to refer to the attribute fontcolour by 
entering [fontcolour]

b) if a random stimulus should be given the different colour do the same as 
above but create the attribute fontcolour in a seperate list that you set 
to random and nest it into the list with the stimuluswords

most likely you need 

c) the stimulus word that needs to have a different colour is defined by 
'something else' (i.e. it is the targetword). Then you can either use an 
attribute fontcolour as described above and "lock" it into the same list 
that contains the attribute wich determines which word is to be the target 
word. Or, lastly, most similar to what you ask for (some command) you could 
adjust and add the following code in an inline preceding your slide or 

for a textobject within a slide:

IF c.getattrib ("attributenamethatdefinesthatawordisdifferent") =  "1" THEN

CColor ("red") 

IF c.getattrib ("attributenamethatdefinesthatawordisdifferent") = "0" THEN

CColor ("blue") 

End If

=> in the code you should replace the attribute name, the slidename 
(slide1) and the textobjectname (text1) with the actual names that you use. 

for a 'standalone' textdisplay (not on a slide) I don't know the exact code 
but it's probably something like: textdisplay.forecolor = CColor ("blue") 
and you can likely find it in the e-basic help within the program. 

Hope this helps,



On Friday, 25 May 2012 17:43:54 UTC+2, mvinski wrote:
> Hi there! 
> I am using a text file to import levels (stimuli) for an attribute in 
> Eprime2, but would like one level of the attribute to show the stimuli 
> in a different colour. I have tried to use a command within the text 
> file to change the font colour (<fontcolour="purple">text</font>, but 
> the stimuli just appears with the command on either side when I run 
> the experiment. 
> Anyone have any other options or tips? 
> Thanks in advance!!

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