latest build broke code

Susan Campbell susangc7 at
Tue Jul 2 18:55:20 UTC 2013

Hi Travis,

I have run into something really similar -- in my case, it had to do with a 
new feature in 10 that generates code at the beginning of a procedure 
instead of right before the object runs. It reduces timing delays, but it 
barfs if attributes get set dynamically during the procedure. Here's the 
writeup from the knowledge base: 

The fix is to go into the properties pages for the Procedure and set 
GeneratePreRun = BeforeObjectRun instead of TopOfProcedure.


On Tuesday, July 2, 2013 2:27:34 PM UTC-4, Travis Nichols, The Pennsylvania 
State University wrote:
> Hello,
> I developed a paradigm on a lab computer running e-prime 2.0 (I believe it 
> was the previous build). Everything worked great on that machine. Now that 
> I've taken the paradigm to the computers we will be testing participants 
> on, it does not work properly. These computers are running the latest 
> version of e-prime (
> It is a basic 3-back task (participants are shown a series of letters one 
> at a time and must indicate whether the currently displayed item matches 
> the letter displayed 3 times ago). Because the letters are selected 
> randomly (as opposed to a predetermined sequence), different trial types 
> are handled via different procedures and lists (e.g., first three items by 
> default can't be targets, then the rest are either a target or not). Since 
> the letters are being drawn randomly but there is a fixed ratio of how many 
> targets to non-targets, inline code tells the program if it draws a target 
> item for a non-target trial to replace that letter with another one. 
> Similarly, if it is a target trial, inline code tells the program to 
> display the target letter (via a variable ThreeLettersBack that is 
> constantly updated). Since the list governing target trials does not know 
> ahead of time what the target letter will be, the value for the list 
> attribute "Letters" (necessary for the text box displaying the letters in 
> the procedure) is left as '?'. On the older build of e-prime, the inline 
> code was enough to override that value and the program would correctly 
> display the actual target letter on target trials. On this newest build on 
> the other computers, for some reason the inline code is not sufficient and 
> the program displays '?' from the list instead of the letter value provided 
> by the inline code. Looking at the output files reveals that the program is 
> selecting a letter, for some reason it just won't display it. Non-target 
> trials work just fine.
> Any ideas what may have changed in this latest build to make this 
> difference? Any recommendations for overcoming it? I will paste the inline 
> code below so you have more information. Again, this is just for the target 
> trials procedure. It references "ThreeList" which is the parent list 
> governing both target and nontarget trials and comes after the 
> list/procedure for the first three trials (nontarget by definition).
> 'Add contents of ThreeList to the "context" in which we are working.
> c.Add ThreeList
> c.Update
> c.SetAttrib "Letters", ThreeLettersBack
> 'Set ThreeLettersBack to what was previously TwoLettersBack.
> 'Set TwoLettersBack to what was previously OneLetterBack.
> 'Set OneLetterBack to the current letter.
> ThreeLettersBack = TwoLettersBack
> TwoLettersBack = OneLetterBack
> OneLetterBack = c.GetAttrib("Letters")
> Thank you for your assistance. I know that is a lot, so I am happy to 
> provide more information/clarification if that will be helpful.
> Travis

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