Change the slide sound with respect to the response of the subject

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Tue Mar 12 15:40:07 UTC 2013

A few thoughts:

- First, make a *global* variable in the global User Script area to 
store the ACC score of the previous slide.

- Next, use inline code at the appropriate place to store ACC into 
your global variable, e.g.,

     g_AccPrev = StimSlide.ACC

- Then, instead of manipulating properties directly, set an attribute 
in code and use an attribute reference for the File name in your 
sound object (see my essay at 
).  E.g., in inline code, do

     If g_AccPrev Then
         c.SetAttrib "SoundFile", "Correct.wav"
         c.SetAttrib "SoundFile", "Incorrect.wav"
     End If

(or, if you prefer concise code like I do, use

     c.SetAttrib "SoundFile", Iif( g_AccPrev, "Correct.wav", "Incorrect.wav" )


and then use attribute reference "[SoundFile]" for File name in your 
sound object.

(Extra credit:  Rearrange this so that you do not need to put ".wav" 
in the inline code.)

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

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At 3/10/2013 08:08 AM Sunday, Valerio Biscione wrote:
>Hi, I am a good programmer in visual basic, but I am totally new to 
>e-prime so I'm having some difficulties in writing a simple 
>experiment. What I want to do is a slide with a sound object and 
>this sound object con play 2 different file. File 1 is played when 
>the subject made a correct response on the PREVIOUS slide, File 2 is 
>played if the response was wrong.
>I tried a lot of different ways: I created an attribute for the 
>sound-file directory, so when the subject give a response I change 
>the attribute of the NEXT slide. But it seems to me that when the 
>software finish the slide and it read the attribute on the next 
>slide, it will found the attribute value empty (like I didn't change it).
>I tried to save the result on a variable and to change the 
>sound-file directory in the NEXT slide, without using any attribute. 
>I used this method:
>'Set theAudio = 
>'Dim theBuffer As SoundBuffer
>'Set theBuffer= theAudio.Buffers(1)
>But it doesn't work at all.
>I don't know what to do.. do you have any help? Thank you!

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