Sequences experiment

Julia Fernandez julf at
Fri May 10 20:40:21 UTC 2013

I'm an E-Prime newbie designing an artificial grammar experiment for my
final Master's project. In this experiment, subjects see a string of
symbols and have to recreate the sequence using an SR box marked with
matching symbols, i.e. a subject could see a string of a circle, a diamond
shape and a poundsign and need to press the corresponding buttons. In the
program, this would be represented as numbers ("1" for a circle + "4"
for diamond + "5" for a poundsign).

I got everything up and running but hit a wall.  The sequences are of
different lengths, 3-6 digits.  I changed the max allowable to 6 so now
Eprime only accepts strings of 6 digits.  If you correctly enter a 6-digit
string then it gives a "correct" screen.  If you have a shorter sequence,
Eprime won't accept it until you add additional digits and then, of course,
it's marked incorrect.

Can anyone help?


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