E-Prime Stability

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Thu Oct 10 15:54:09 UTC 2013


Good question, and I am eager to hear from 
others.  I have encouraged users at my location 
to move up to EP2.0.10, but that's going slowly, 
and we do run into some troubles because we have 
to get used to new ways of doing things in 
EP2.0.10.  So I do not have a lot of development 
experience with it yet, my experience so far is 
mostly instructional and explorational.  Based 
only on that, I like EP2.0.10 a lot, it 
introuduces a *lot* of good features, even some 
of the problems turn out to be features once they 
are properly understood (Generate PreRun is one 
of those, and I will mention another below).

Now to address a couple points in particular.

First, EP2 is not just "pretty much" a final 
release, it *is* officially a final release since EP2.0.10.242.

And your commenting example...  Yes, that 
trippped me up at first too, and it breaks one of 
the exercises in my video course, and I found it 
very annoying because I used /* */ a lot to 
comment things out & in.  But try the 
following:  Select some lines of code.  Now press 
Ctrl+' (that's the Ctrl key along with the 
apostrophe key).  See all those lines get 
commented with a "'" added to the start?  Now for 
the fun part, with those lines still selected, 
press Ctrl+Shift+' -- see all those lines now 
become uncommented?  Now press Ctrl+' twice -- 
see it add two "'" at the start of each 
line?  Then press Ctrl+Shift+' once, then twice, 
to see it remove each leading "'" in 
turn.  Pretty cool, huh?  I sure thought so once 
I figured it out.  So much easier than "/* 
*/"!  Now I just use "''" (double "'") to mark 
provisional lines during development, I can 
easily search for "''" throughout the program 
later to fix up those lines before final release 
of a program.  Etc.  So this is one of those 
"problems" that is really a feature.

Once again, PST makes a pretty good product, but 
utterly fails to explain it well enough to 
customers.  Just business as usual for them, but 
opening opportunities for people like me.

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
online:  http://psychology.msu.edu/Workshops_Courses/eprime.aspx
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (https://twitter.com/EPrimeMaster )

Stock reminder:  1) I do not work for PST.  2) 
PST's trained staff take any and all questions at 
https://support.pstnet.com , and they strive to 
respond to all requests in 24-48 hours, so make 
full use of it.  3) In addition, PST offers 
several instructional videos on their YouTube 
channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/PSTNET 
).  4) If you do get an answer from PST staff, 
please extend the courtesy of posting their reply 
back here for the sake of others.

At 10/10/2013 09:20 AM Thursday, Cognitology wrote:
>Given that E-Prime 2 is now pretty much a final 
>release, I was wondering how many of you feel it 
>remains *particularly* instable? I mean, 
>E-Studio (2, pro), latest version, and I don’t 
>stupid crashes (say, recursively calling the 
>sessionproc from a list within sessionproc). Just things like
>·         Writing inline:
>Try typing:
>Works! Automatically becomes
>Now commented out. However, type in an inline (not the user part)
>·         Just dragging objects around, adding 
>attributes, all sorts of randomness. Sometimes, 
>there are nice big red crosses where graphics usually are.
>The latter is the more annoying part. In 
>general, when I’m developing something, on both 
>my laptop and home pc (both win7prox64), this 
>happens. In my experience, in fact, most people, 
>even if they are very experienced, have random 
>stability issues with e-studio. My question then 
>is: does the list have similar issues? Say, if 
>you’ve been doing some development, what is the 
>chance that e-prime will crash within 60 
>minutes? I’m estimating it at 80% here.
>Michiel Sovijärvi-Spapé
>Helsinki Institute for Information Technology
>Aalto & Helsingin Yliopisto,

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