Show actual response on feedback slide

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at
Thu Aug 21 19:51:53 UTC 2014


Long answer ...

Suppose you get a RESP for StimSlide.  Then on your feedback screen 
(which must be either a Slide or a FeedbackDisplay), add a text 
sub-object and use an attribute reference thus:


You also need to set that attribute first, if you have StimSlide set 
to log RESP then it should already generate the code to do that, 
otherwise you may need to add inline code before your feedback screen such as

     c.SetAttrib "StimSlide.RESP", StimSlide.RESP

Note that if you use a FeedbackDisplay then for some other response 
items (e.g., RT) you may use Feedback Display Macros, see that 
section in the Reference Guide that came with E-Prime.

And of course pay attention to PreRelease, if your feedback screen 
gets prepared during the PreRelease of StimSlide then it may not show 
the proper RESP (see )!

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (

Stock reminder:  1) I do not work for PST.  2) You may reach PST's 
trained staff (and other support facilities) at .  3) If you do get an answer from PST 
staff, please extend the courtesy of posting their reply back here 
for the sake of others.

At 8/21/2014 07:41 AM Thursday, Aad Pors wrote:
>Short question: how can I show the actual response (.RESP) on the 
>feedback screen?

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