E-prime Triggers are partially but no completely read by Aquisition

David McFarlane mcfarla9 at msu.edu
Tue Jun 3 22:16:27 UTC 2014


First, what Paul said -- if you have EP2.0.10 or 
later, you should look into using the new Task Events feature instead.

Second, this thread seems to stem from 
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/e-prime/HZbe0baSMeY .

Third, a couple odditities in your inline code fragments.  Your lines

     question2.OnsetSignalData ="2"


     WritePort &H378,"11"

just seem weird, are you sure that those do not read instead?

     question2.OnsetSignalData 2


     WritePort &H378, 11

?  (Oh, and you should use Constants instead of 
"magic numbers" in your code, but that is another matter.)

Now, for the advice.  We have found that when we 
have EP output a signal to an external device 
(e.g., EEG), we then have to have EP reset the 
output port to 0 before another output will 
work.  Remember, EP does *not* output *pulses*, 
it merely sets the output to your data and then 
leaves it there until you do something to change 
it (I go over this in a lesson on my course).  I 
imagine that your Onset & OffsetSignal data 
normally take care of setting the output, and 
then later resetting it to 0.  Your WritePort 
does not.  You would need to do another WritePort 
to reset the output at some appropriate time, or 
another OnsetSignal, etc.  Task Events can make 
it very nice to setup both the signal and the reset for any stimulus object.

Just a thought.  Good luck.

David McFarlane
E-Prime training 
online:  http://psychology.msu.edu/Workshops_Courses/eprime.aspx
Twitter:  @EPrimeMaster (https://twitter.com/EPrimeMaster)

Stock reminder:  1) I do not work for PST.  2) 
PST's trained staff take any and all questions at 
https://support.pstnet.com , and they strive to 
respond to all requests in 24-48 hours, so make 
full use of it.  3) In addition, PST offers 
several instructional videos on their YouTube 
channel (http://www.youtube.com/user/PSTNET 
).  4) If you do get an answer from PST staff, 
please extend the courtesy of posting their reply 
back here for the sake of others.

At 6/3/2014 03:54 AM Tuesday, Paul Groot wrote:
>I've read your post twice, but your description 
>seems to have some contradictory information, so I'm a bit lost there...Â
>Anyway, EP2 pro has a new method for generating 
>triggers by using so called 'Task Events'. Task 
>events offer a more elegant solution if your 
>script has to create triggers when an input 
>event occurs. Just have a look at these pages:
>On 2 June 2014 20:16, Gabriel Mograbi 
><<mailto:gabriel.mograbi at gmail.com>gabriel.mograbi at gmail.com> wrote:
>Dear All,
>I am a complete newbie in e-prime. A philosopher 
>by formation venturing myself in a postdoctoral 
>fellowship in neuroscience. And I an running 
>against time to run an experiment before my fellowship finishes.Â
>I am having problems with sending triggers to the "Aquisition" machine.
>In my protocol I have 3 procedures (conditions) 
>that divide the big list into 3. I have a first 
>general Inline to open the ports. And I have an 
>Onset Inline for each of the questions and each 
>of the stimuli that can after the question. All 
>that works. I can manage to make the machines 
>send triggers when the question 1,2 and 3 
>appears and then when the 1,2 and 3 stimuli 
>appears. When I try to insert an InLine after 
>the stimuli, the first trigger (the one that 
>marks the onset of the question does not work anymore)Â Â
>So my list is divided in 3 procedures 
>(conditions) and each has the following structure
>Text (ITI Fixation Cross with Jittered values)Â
>question (Image Display with 2000 ms duration)
>Another ITI (Fication Cross with Jittered Values)
>products (Stimulus/Image Display with fixed duration)Â
>My script runs like that. First in the beginning of the protocol:
>question2.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
>question2.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
>question2.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
>question2OffsetSignalPort = & H378
>products2.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
>products2.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
>products2.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
>products2OffsetSignalPort = & H378
>question1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
>question1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
>question1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
>question1.OffsetSignalPort = & H378
>products1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
>products1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
>products1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
>products1OffsetSignalPort = & H378
>question1.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
>question1.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
>question1.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
>question1.OffsetSignalPort = & H378
>products3.OnsetSignalEnabled = True
>products3.OnsetSignalPort = &H378
>products3.OffsetSignalEnabled= True
>products3.OffsetSignalPort = & H378
>Before each condition (specific procedure)Â
>I have a Inline like that
>question2.OnsetSignalData ="2"Â  and so on... 
>for each of the question and products...
>That works all fine! But I have to use a trigger 
>for the responses of the stimuli. Whenever I insert
>WritePort &H378,"11"Â  or any other value,
>transforming the procedure to this structure to:
>Text ITI (Fixation Cross with Jittered values)Â
>question (Image Display with 2000 ms duration)
>Another ITI (Fication Cross with Jittered Values)
>product (Stimulus/Image Display with fixed duration)
>InLine - WritePort &H378,"11"
>after each product object, the first trigger 
>(related to the question) stops appearing in the 
>aquisition machine. The Writeport command 
>functions, the products onset keeps working, but 
>the question that comes in the beginning of this condition stops appearing.
>I will be deeply grateful if you could help me 
>out, as I tried various (hundreds of) diverse 
>strategies to fix the problem and nothing seems to work!Â

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