LEASE POST : Subjects needed for Fantasy Project

June Luchjenbroers els603 at BANGOR.AC.UK
Fri Sep 2 14:46:02 UTC 2011

Apologies for cross-postings

Hi all,

Michelle Aldridge (Communication, Cardiff Univ) and I (June Luchjenbroers,
Linguistics Bangor Univ) are running a new Survey, and aim to capture an
International, discourse corpus of people's fantasies. The full title of 
project is: "A cross-cultural study of people's fantasies : The linguistic
structure of fantasies across social groups."

Participation is accomplished through the Survey Monkey link offered below.
To begin, roughly 6 unidentifying questions about the submitter are asked
(eg country, age group, gender, English ability) and then after the 
fantasy is
offered (in complete anonymity) we ask another 5-6 questions that relate
to that fantasy. The entire process is completely anonymous and this project
has University ethical approval.

Also of importance is that we are not targeting any particular type of
fantasy and All types of fantasy will be welcome contributions.

We hope that members of this list will consider
(i) participating in this study, and/or
(ii) posting details of this study where possible to help advertise the 

The link is now LIVE and will be open untill 1 October 2011

June & Michelle

Dr June Luchjenbroers
School of linguistics&  English Language
Bangor University, LL57 2DG WALES UK


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