FW: Termin - Tagung: Discourses of Culture - Cultures of Discourse

David Boromisza-Habashi dbh at COLORADO.EDU
Tue Sep 30 23:07:28 UTC 2014

Status: CfP Call for Paper
Discourses of Culture - Cultures of Discourse

DN15. The 15th DiscourseNet Conference:
Discourses of Culture - Cultures of Discourse
March 19-21, 2015
University Library "Svetozar Markovi?" Belgrade

Visit us at http://dn15.unilib.rs

A topic of controversial debate today, "discourse & culture" points to
fundamental questions in contemporary society such as the role of mass media
in the construction and transformation of reality, the interrela-tionships
between high and mass culture, or the interpellations of sub-jects in their
communities. Discourse is seen as a set of enacted process-es that
establish, protect, or change conventions and thus reassemble the wide area
of both the material and immaterial environment. Therefore, the question of
how discourse affects culture through a long chain of mediated actions and
reactions stands at the focal point of many dis-course researchers. The main
aim of the DN15 conference is to open an interdisciplinary dialogue
concerning discourse and culture. Contribu-tors are invited to make
(sub-)culture(s) a central concern within dis-course studies or to explore
discursive phenomena in terms of culture. DN15 welcomes critical reflection
upon the discursive and cultural
  of meaning, identity, and communication.

This conference welcomes new methodological and theoretical ap-proaches
dealing with the nexus of discourse and culture. Contributors are invited to
focus on inter- and transdisciplinary approaches in media studies and
digital humanities, sociology, political studies, linguistics, lit-erary
criticism, and cultural studies. The meeting also presents the op-portunity
to join the DiscourseNet network and to develop new projects and
cooperations. The working language is English, all contributions will be
recorded (with the consent of the presenters), and a publication is planned.

Conference participants are also invited to take part in the planning
meeting of DiscourseNet which will take place on the Saturday, at the end of
the conference. All those who wish to become members, propose new ideas, or
talk about collaborative perspectives for the discourse re-search network
are most welcome. Please send an email to the organiz-ers if you want to
join this meeting.

The event is free, but a small contribution for coffee etc. may be charged.
Travel assistance may be available for a limited number of participants who
are in need of financial support (please justify). The deadline for
conference paper proposals (with name, title, a half-page abstract and a
short cv) is 1st  January 2015. Please contact the organizers via
dis-coursenet15 at ubsm.rs or dn15 at ubsm.rs, and visit the conference webpage at
dn15.unilib.rs or dn15.ubsm.rs. DN15 is organized by Jan Krasni (Belgrade)
and receives support from the ERC DISCONEX project led by Johannes
Angermuller (Warwick).

Institution: University Library "Svetozar Markovic"
Beteiligte Personen:
Kontaktperson: Jan Krasni
Email: discoursenet15 at ubsm.rs

Click link for more information...


Virtual research portal discourse analysis
sent by: Jan Krasni jan.krasni at gmail.com

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